Monday 15 October 2018

Halloween Sensory Bags

We had a fantastically messy time exploring pumpkins at Toddler Group this morning, flung seeds aside! There was digging, scooping, squishing, squealing, cheering, towering and even some cleaning! 

However, I also wanted a mess free sensory play activity for those children who, like Jessica, really do not embrace the mess for one reason or another. We had some Halloween sprinkles left over in the craft supplies from an activity the group must have done before my time so Jessica and I made some sensory bags. We both love them as did the grown-ups and Heathlands pupils that were visiting the group today. I've used laminating pouches sealed around the edges with an iron - genius idea Andrea, I would never have thought of this but it works brilliantly. Inside the pouches (sealed on three sides before filling) we have used plastic sprinkes, glitter, paint, soap and hand sanitiser in various combinations to create slightly different bags each time. I'll definitely be making more of these bags with different themes another time. Fabulous!

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