Monday 2 November 2020

I'm back!

It has been such a long time. Things have changed; let's face it, the world has changed. It's a challenge to fit anything in for myself around work, being Mum and other commitments but crafting remains incredibly important in my life. Fortunately, Jessica continues to share my passion so whilst I struggle to complete my own projects I get my fix sharing moments with her as she starts her creative journey through life. 

In these crazy times, with long, dark evenings ahead it feels like the right time to start sharing on here again. Like so many others, I have struggled to maintain a healthy work-life balance in 2020 and I'm desperately hoping that this additional focus will help address it. It's almost time to crack out the Christmas crafts so there will be no shortage of material to share!

For now though, here's a little glimpse at the kind of thing we've been up to recently (aside from all the mask making) ... 

We absolutely love our local pottery cafe, Blue Owl. Before starting school we used to go to a Storytime session but these days we love a Paint-at-home kit. I love being able to spend hours designing and painting my pieces. I lost count of the number of hours this pasta bowl took! 

Jessica was incredibly proud of the cushion she created for her teacher as a thank you present back in July. She enjoys using my sewing machine, making clothes for herself and blankets for her toys. Needless to say, she's a huge fan of The Great British Sewing Bee.

Crafting for her toys and imaginative play motivates Jessica to try new things and create some beautiful things. This hot glue waterfall was a quick, simple but incredibly rewarding little project earlier in the year. It is currently used in play with her Schleich animal collection.

I'm afraid she has also developed my habit of having multiple projects all on the go at the same time. We've both got cross-stitches, latch-hook cushions and diamond paintings on the go on top of patchwork, figurine painting and paint-by-number kits.

There are a few big projects that I have completed but not shared yet and I have been seeking mindfulness in drawing so there are plenty more posts in the pipeline so please, don't be a stranger. Come back and see what else we've got to show you!

1 comment:

  1. I think it might be time i tried out diamond painting 😍


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